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Case Studies | 12.01.21

Health Reports Case Study: Cholesterol Product

The Challenge

Approximately 94 million U.S. adults aged 20 or older suffer from high cholesterol levels. Despite being an effective treatment option, many are unaware of the importance of statins in maintaining their cholesterol or don’t know about their options in statins because of negative side effects they have experienced. To help promote the product and make it the it the go-to 2nd line statin, Targeted Media Health wanted to reach patients, particularly those with comorbidities, like being over age 65, having high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes.


To help reach this audience, Targeted Media Health launched a Health REPORTS guide focusing on the high cholesterol. Along with multiple articles on the condition, the issue also featured 100% SOV for the product to raise brand awareness. Once the guide was published, the articles from this issue also ran on, as part of their Cholesterol Condition Center, where the product’s digital ads ran to increase their reach beyond point of care and allow for an integrated program.




  • 95.7% of patients are reading the issues of Health REPORTS
  • 97.8% of the responding physicians have seen the Health REPORTS magazines that were supplied for their waiting room area.
  • The physicians are placing the Health REPORTS display stand in the waiting and exam room.
    • Waiting Room: 93.5%
    • Exam Room: 37.0%
  • The responding physicians indicated that 93.5% of their patients have been taking copies of Health REPORTS home with them.
  • 73.9% indicated that their patients have been bringing Health REPORTS into the exam room.
  • Three-quarters indicated that they feel patients are more informed/knowledgeable about cholesterol after reading Health REPORTS. (76.1%)
  • 41.3% of the responding physicians indicated that patients have been asking about the product.
  • 30.4% indicated that patients asked about the product based on stating that they saw it in Health REPORTS.
  • 37.0% indicated that patients have asked to be prescribed the product.
  • 30.4% indicated that patients asked to be prescribed the product based on stating that they saw it in Health REPORTS
  • 95.5% would recommend Health REPORTS to their patients.


Physician Quotes

“More asking about [the product]. Patients always appreciate health information.”

“Our patients love your magazine.”

“Health REPORTS is very informative. I myself try to find time to read them.”